Um estudo recentemente publicado (2010) vem comprovar o que nós acupunturistas já sabíamos: o poder de ação da acupuntura no encéfalo e no sistema nervoso autônomo. A pesquisa realizada por Sakatani, K et al utilizou-se de 18 adultos normais, dos quais foram analisados o lobo frontal por topografia óptica e a variabilidade da frequencia cardíaca (VFC). Observou-se que a acupuntura provocou mudanças na oxigenação do sangue cerebral em ambos os sentidos, ou seja, um aumento e / ou uma diminuição da oxihemoglobina (oxi-Hb) no CPF bilateral. Houve diminuiçãoda frequência cardíaca, o demonstra predominio de atividade parassimpática do Sistema Nervoso autônomo. No entanto, as mudanças na Oxi-Hb não se correlacionaram com os parâmetros de VFC na maioria dos casos. Uma das possíveis explicações pode ser que a atividade PFC induzida pela acupuntura não está estreitamente ligada à função do Sistema Nervoso Autônomo.
O lobo frontal está intimamente ligado ao nosso comportamento, emoções e personalidade. Este estudo vem comprovar o importante efeito da acupuntura em nossa mente/espírito (SHEN). Mais uma vez a ciência vem comprovar a milenar sabedoria chinesa. A acupuntura tem forte efeito harmonizador no quesito emoções, fato reforçado pelos inúmeros depoimentos de pacientes.
Sabemos que a saúde plena depende da harmonia do Sistema Nervoso Autônomo, ou seja, do equilíbrio entre Yin (parassimpático) e Yang (simpático). O estilo de vida das grandes cidades, a alimentação inadequada, a obesidade e o sedentarismo são fatores de estímulo simpático, o que leva as pessoas a tornarem-se estressadas física e mentamente. Numa sessão de acupuntura, o acupunturista conduzirá o estímulo para o Yin ou Yang, de acordo com a necessidade do organismo tratado.
Salve a Medicina Tradicional Chinesa!
Para saber mais:
In English
Effects of acupuncture on autonomic nervous function and prefrontal cortex activity
A recently published study (2010) shows what we practitioners already knew: the power of acupuncture on brain and nervous system autonomous. Research conducted by Sakatani, K et al was used in 18 normal adults, of which the frontal lobe were analyzed by optical topography and heart rate variability (HRV). It was observed that acupuncture caused changes in cerebral blood oxygenation in both directions, ie an increase or a decrease in oxyhemoglobin (oxy-Hb) in the PFC bilaterally. There Decrease of heart rate, shows a predominance of parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system. However, changes in Oxy-Hb were not correlated with HRV parameters in most cases. One possible explanation may be that acupuncture-induced PFC activity is not closely related to the function of the Autonomic Nervous System.
The frontal lobe is intimately linked to our behavior, emotions and personality. This study has demonstrated the important effect of acupuncture in our mind / spirit (SHEN). Once again science is proving the ancient Chinese wisdom. Acupuncture has powerful harmonizing effect on emotional item, a fact reinforced by the many testimonials from patients.
We know that health depends on the full harmony of the Autonomic Nervous System, ie the balance between Yin (parasympathetic) and Yang (sympathetic). The lifestyle of the big cities, inadequate diet, physical inactivity and obesity are factors of sympathetic stimulation, which leads people to become physically and mentally stressed. At a session of acupuncture, the practitioner will conduct the stimulus to Yin or Yang, according to the need of the organism treated.
Save Traditional Chinese Medicine!
Further information:
In English
Effects of acupuncture on autonomic nervous function and prefrontal cortex activity
A recently published study (2010) shows what we practitioners already knew: the power of acupuncture on brain and nervous system autonomous. Research conducted by Sakatani, K et al was used in 18 normal adults, of which the frontal lobe were analyzed by optical topography and heart rate variability (HRV). It was observed that acupuncture caused changes in cerebral blood oxygenation in both directions, ie an increase or a decrease in oxyhemoglobin (oxy-Hb) in the PFC bilaterally. There Decrease of heart rate, shows a predominance of parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system. However, changes in Oxy-Hb were not correlated with HRV parameters in most cases. One possible explanation may be that acupuncture-induced PFC activity is not closely related to the function of the Autonomic Nervous System.
The frontal lobe is intimately linked to our behavior, emotions and personality. This study has demonstrated the important effect of acupuncture in our mind / spirit (SHEN). Once again science is proving the ancient Chinese wisdom. Acupuncture has powerful harmonizing effect on emotional item, a fact reinforced by the many testimonials from patients.
We know that health depends on the full harmony of the Autonomic Nervous System, ie the balance between Yin (parasympathetic) and Yang (sympathetic). The lifestyle of the big cities, inadequate diet, physical inactivity and obesity are factors of sympathetic stimulation, which leads people to become physically and mentally stressed. At a session of acupuncture, the practitioner will conduct the stimulus to Yin or Yang, according to the need of the organism treated.
Save Traditional Chinese Medicine!
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