Nos dias atuais, nos ambulatórios de acupuntura das grandes metrópoles, nos deparamos com situações repetitivas. São muitos os pacientes com queixas semelhantes: ansiedade, estresse, insônia, dores de coluna, dores de cabeça, tensão emocional, labilidade emocinal, etc. Temos a impressão de que as pessoas estão adoecendo através do mesmo mecanismo, e estão mesmo.
O estresse das grandes cidades, a alimentação moderna, o sedentarismo, tabagismo e sobrepeso são os principais fatores que levam a população ao processo de adoecimento.
Podemos observar acometimentos energéticos semelhantes em pessoas de diferentes constituições físicas, porém expostas aos mesmos fatores ambientais e sociais. Ponta da língua vermelha, indicando na maioria dos casos agitação ou fogo do Xin (Coração), onde existe queixa de insônia, palpitação, ansiedade, agitação mental, etc. Corpo da língua largo e mole, sinalizando deficiência no aquecedor médio (Wei/Pi - Baço e estômago). Pouca ou nehuma saburra na língua, indicando o déficit do Yin pelo excesso de trabalho e outras obrigações. Língua violácea, demonstrando estagnações do Fígado e Coração.
Portanto, observamos que o Fígado, Estômago, Coração e Rim são fatalmente os sistemas mais afetados pelo nosso estilo de vida capitalista, onde o ter supera o ser. Estilo de vida esse que vem trazendo doenças crônicas, outrora menos comuns, mas agora cada vez mais cedo fazendo parte de nossas vidas. O refluxo gastroesofágico nunca foi tão comum em nosso meio. Os alimentos agora são ingeridos rapidamente, com pouca mastigação, não há mais tempo para descanso, comemos e logo voltamos às nossas atividades. As dores musculotendíneas cada vez mais cedo vêem aparecendo, agora aos 20, 30 anos. As alergias, as doenças do aparelho imunológico e os diversos tipos de câncer são cada vez mais presentes em nosso contexto.
Cabe a nós profissionais a orientação adequada aos pacientes, elucidando as falhas de um estilo de vida inadequado, muitas vezes imperceptível às pessoas e até mesmo para nós profissionais da saúde, que cometemos erros ainda mais absurdos com nossos próprios corpos.
Modern Energy Syndromes
Nowadays, in acupuncture clinics in large cities, we are faced with repetitive situations. Many patients with similar complaints: anxiety, stress, insomnia, headache, spine, headaches, emotional tension, lability emocinal, etc.. We have the impression that people are getting sick through the same mechanism, and are even.
The stress of big cities, the modern diet, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and overweight are the main factors that lead people to the disease process.
We can observe similar affections energy in people of different physical constitutions, but were exposed to the same environmental and social factors. Tip of the tongue is red, indicating in most cases agitation or fire Xin (Heart), where there is a complaint of insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, mental agitation, etc.. Body language and off soft, indicating deficiency in the middle burner (Wei / Pi - Spleen and stomach). Little or none coating on the tongue, indicating a deficit of Yin by overwork and other obligations. Purplish tongue, showing stagnation of the Liver and Heart.
Therefore, we observed that the liver, stomach, heart and kidney systems are inevitably more affected by our capitalist way of life, where have to be overcome. Lifestyle that has brought about chronic diseases, once less common, but now increasingly early part of our lives. Gastroesophageal reflux has never been so common in our environment. Now foods are eaten quickly with little chewing, there is no time to rest, eat and then went back to our activities. The muscle-aches ever see appearing soon, now at 20, 30. Allergies, immune system diseases and various cancers are increasingly present in our context.
It is up to us professionals to appropriate guidance to patients, explaining the flaws of an inappropriate lifestyle, often imperceptible to people and even for us professionals, who make mistakes even more absurd with our own bodies.
Modern Energy Syndromes
Nowadays, in acupuncture clinics in large cities, we are faced with repetitive situations. Many patients with similar complaints: anxiety, stress, insomnia, headache, spine, headaches, emotional tension, lability emocinal, etc.. We have the impression that people are getting sick through the same mechanism, and are even.
The stress of big cities, the modern diet, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and overweight are the main factors that lead people to the disease process.
We can observe similar affections energy in people of different physical constitutions, but were exposed to the same environmental and social factors. Tip of the tongue is red, indicating in most cases agitation or fire Xin (Heart), where there is a complaint of insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, mental agitation, etc.. Body language and off soft, indicating deficiency in the middle burner (Wei / Pi - Spleen and stomach). Little or none coating on the tongue, indicating a deficit of Yin by overwork and other obligations. Purplish tongue, showing stagnation of the Liver and Heart.
Therefore, we observed that the liver, stomach, heart and kidney systems are inevitably more affected by our capitalist way of life, where have to be overcome. Lifestyle that has brought about chronic diseases, once less common, but now increasingly early part of our lives. Gastroesophageal reflux has never been so common in our environment. Now foods are eaten quickly with little chewing, there is no time to rest, eat and then went back to our activities. The muscle-aches ever see appearing soon, now at 20, 30. Allergies, immune system diseases and various cancers are increasingly present in our context.
It is up to us professionals to appropriate guidance to patients, explaining the flaws of an inappropriate lifestyle, often imperceptible to people and even for us professionals, who make mistakes even more absurd with our own bodies.