José D'Antona um acupunturista bem conhecido em Nova York mostra a um repórter da Fox 5 News a acupuntura auricular como uma forma de perder peso.
De uma perspectiva da MTC, os pontos de acupuntura, alimentos e ervas que são escolhidos para ajudar com a perda de peso influenciam diretamente o Qi do baço e do fígado sistemas para tratar os desequilíbrios de raiz que estão causando o ganho de peso.
Do ponto de vista ocidental, a acupuntura e MTC têem um efeito sobre a função do sistema nervoso, sistema endócrino, sistema digestivo, os desejos de comida, e metabolismo. Tudo o que pode ajudar a energizar o corpo, maximizar a absorção de nutrientes, eliminação regular, controlar excessos, suprimir o apetite e reduzir a ansiedade.
Pontos de Acupuntura para perda de peso
A beleza da acupuntura é que cada tratamento é fornecido para as necessidades do paciente individualmente. Os pontos de acupuntura no corpo seram escolhidos para bem-estar geral com o objetivo de aumentar a circulação do sangue e Qi (estimulando o metabolismo) e acalmar o sistema nervoso.
Além de tratar a raiz do desequilíbrio dentro do corpo, diferentes pontos de acupuntura podem ser escolhidos para cada tratamento em diferentes sintomas que surgem. Por exemplo, se você está enfrentando um desejo de comer demais relacionados à síndrome pré-menstrual (SPM), pontos relacionados a isso podem ser utilizados durante estes dias.
Geralmente os tratamentos estão agendadas uma ou duas vezes por semana, durante 8 a 12 semanas ou até que o peso do objetivo foi alcançado. Os tratamentos incluem uma combinação de auriculoterapia e acupuntura sistêmica (acupuntura do corpo), sementes na orelha ou agulhas para deixar entre as sessões, ervas e suplementos, massagem abdominal, exercícios respiratórios e recomendações alimentares e estilo de vida.
Acupuncture weight loss
Joseph D'Antona a well known acupuncturist in New York shows a reporter from Fox 5 News how a form of acupuncture weight loss called Ear Stapling can aide people in weight loss acupuncturist auricular,The Acupuncture Weight Loss Treatment
From a TCM perspective, the acupuncture points, foods and herbs that are chosen to assist with weight loss directly influence the Qi of the spleen and liver systems to treat the root imbalances that are causing the weight gain.
From a Western perspective, acupuncture and TCM have been shown to have an effect on the function of the nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, food cravings, and metabolism. All of which can help to energize the body, maximize the absorption of nutrients, regulate elimination, control overeating, suppress the appetite, and reduce anxiety.
Acupuncture Points for Weight Loss
The beauty of acupuncture is that each treatment is catered to the needs of the individual patient. Acupuncture points on the body will be chosen for overall well being with the objective of increasing circulation of the blood and Qi (stimulating the metabolism) and calming the nervous system.
In addition to treating the root of the imbalance within the body, different acupuncture points may be chosen for each treatment as different symptoms arise. For instance, if you are experiencing a desire to overeat related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) one week, then that can be addressed at that week’s appointment.
Generally treatments are scheduled once or twice a week for 8 to 12 weeks or until the goal weight has been reached. The treatments include a combination of auricular (ear) and body acupuncture, ear tacks or pellets to leave on in-between treatments, herbs and supplements, abdominal massage, breathing exercises, and food and lifestyle recommendations.
From a TCM perspective, the acupuncture points, foods and herbs that are chosen to assist with weight loss directly influence the Qi of the spleen and liver systems to treat the root imbalances that are causing the weight gain.
From a Western perspective, acupuncture and TCM have been shown to have an effect on the function of the nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, food cravings, and metabolism. All of which can help to energize the body, maximize the absorption of nutrients, regulate elimination, control overeating, suppress the appetite, and reduce anxiety.
Acupuncture Points for Weight Loss
The beauty of acupuncture is that each treatment is catered to the needs of the individual patient. Acupuncture points on the body will be chosen for overall well being with the objective of increasing circulation of the blood and Qi (stimulating the metabolism) and calming the nervous system.
In addition to treating the root of the imbalance within the body, different acupuncture points may be chosen for each treatment as different symptoms arise. For instance, if you are experiencing a desire to overeat related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) one week, then that can be addressed at that week’s appointment.
Generally treatments are scheduled once or twice a week for 8 to 12 weeks or until the goal weight has been reached. The treatments include a combination of auricular (ear) and body acupuncture, ear tacks or pellets to leave on in-between treatments, herbs and supplements, abdominal massage, breathing exercises, and food and lifestyle recommendations.
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